Rain, Rain Go Away
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Monday, July 1, 2013
As you can tell by the title the weather hasn't been too pleasant here recently. Our stream on the back of the property has been quite vocal as it runs with great pressure from the rain fall we've been living with. In other parts of the region there has been flooding with streets disappearing under the flow of local streams. We've been lucky in that the rain hasn't filled our stream to overflowing but the sun hasn't been a frequent visitor and motorcycle rides have been few and far between.
Today the rain held off for a few hours allowing the streets to dry so I hopped on the 50cc bike to do some shopping and drop a letter off at the local Post Office. The little bike is racking up quite a few miles locally and my handy distance converter says 2417 miles is on the speedometer. Somewhere in a past blog I said it had either 2075 or 2175 miles on it so despite not being interstate compatible it's still collecting miles. The main stumbling block to it being a long distance runner is its inability to conquer hills rapidly or run at speeds over 45 mph. Some day I'll have to load it into the minivan and take it to my parent's home on Long Island. It's so flat there that hills are virtually non-existent and most of the local roads have speed limits in the little bike's speed range. As I say when I ride it into the nearby Village, "I can run with the Big Dogs there."
The long range weather forecast indicates better days are coming. I won't just be riding into town then and better stories will be back. See you then.
Today the rain held off for a few hours allowing the streets to dry so I hopped on the 50cc bike to do some shopping and drop a letter off at the local Post Office. The little bike is racking up quite a few miles locally and my handy distance converter says 2417 miles is on the speedometer. Somewhere in a past blog I said it had either 2075 or 2175 miles on it so despite not being interstate compatible it's still collecting miles. The main stumbling block to it being a long distance runner is its inability to conquer hills rapidly or run at speeds over 45 mph. Some day I'll have to load it into the minivan and take it to my parent's home on Long Island. It's so flat there that hills are virtually non-existent and most of the local roads have speed limits in the little bike's speed range. As I say when I ride it into the nearby Village, "I can run with the Big Dogs there."
The long range weather forecast indicates better days are coming. I won't just be riding into town then and better stories will be back. See you then.