Posted by Jim Zeiser on Tuesday, July 30, 2019,
The last couple of weeks have seen more motorcycle riding than I have done in a while.Last weekend I took off to Kingston to do a Poker Run. It was during the heat wave and the only thing that helped was the breeze as I rode. The short story is that I didn't do a good job of reading maps before I set out and never made it to the start of the ride. No problem though. I rode on Route 32 into the Village of New Paltz, came back over the Mid Hudson Bridge into Poughkeepsie, and home, for a very n...
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It Begins Again
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Monday, July 15, 2019,
As I noted in my last post I was getting back on the bicycle again in preparation for a local event. Twenty years ago I used to ride regularly with the Massapequa Park Bicycle Club. The move to Deposit and a change in life style ended that but my bike has been sitting in a corner mocking me since then. Lately I've been riding every day that I can on a route around the neighborhood. It has a breathtaking down hill run followed by a tedious climb of about sixty vertical feet on each lap. Doing ...
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