Browsing Archive: January, 2016

It Gets Worse

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Friday, January 29, 2016,

They say you can't have too much of a good thing but I think I have to disagree. The number of two wheelers in my possession just shot up to eight. Lest you think I went out and bought another vehicle, rest assured that is not the case. It was out for repairs has now returned and is taking up space. This one has a long story that I hope ends soon.

Before Sara passed away I purchased this Kymco scooter to fix up and sell. It quickly became a small money pit that threatened to get worse and I ...

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M.B.D. Too Many Bikes.

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Wednesday, January 20, 2016,

In my years as a rider I always looked at road tests in magazines and thought to myself, “Gee, I think I would like that bike.” Fortunately I have always had a significant other who made me hold the notion of owning multiple motorcycles in check. With Sara's passing I have lost the guiding light of common sense and fallen into a syndrome called Multiple Bike Disorder or MBD for short.

The week after she passed I let myself fall into the trap of accepting the red Honda Nighthawk, in the v...

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A New Hope

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Monday, January 11, 2016,

So much to say. A Long time ago, in a place far, far away, I was an active motorcyclist. Not just a daily commuter piling up a respectable stack of miles, but a recreational rider too. I am a member of the American Motorcyclist Association for what I recently discovered is forty-six years. I was also a member of the South Shore Motorcycle Club in Amityville, New York which was established in 1931. In my younger days I raced motocross and competed in Timed Road Runs, Field Meets, Poker Runs a...

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So Long 2015

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Sunday, January 3, 2016,

I'm going to get this out of the way quickly. The year 2015 will not be remembered warmly in this house. From the first day of it Sara's ill fated struggle with cancer was utmost on our minds. Traveling to Johnson City on a weekly basis for her Chemo infusions, shots to boost her white cells and CT scans was a harsh slap in the face. With each failed chemical concoction only optimism boosted our hopes but it all came crashing down at the end of August when the final CT scan she received ind...

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My Ride

Jim Zeiser If you wish to comment my e-mail address is I'd like to hear anything-good or bad-that anyone would like to say. As they said in college, we're all lifelong learners.


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