Browsing Archive: April, 2015

Better Days are here

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Monday, April 20, 2015,

This past weekend the last vestige, a former big snow pile, of Winter finally disappeared and the weather turned truly Spring-like. Temperatures actually approached seventy degrees and the sun made all day appearances. I finally got a chance to run several errands on both of the scooters and leave the cars in the driveway for the first time in months. I can only say it's about time.

I decided on one occasion that I wanted to get into town and back quickly but needed cargo room. I pulled out ...

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The Real Deal

Posted by Jim Zeiser on Monday, April 13, 2015,

It has finally happened. The weather is breaking and Spring is making a valiant attempt to rise from Winter's ashes. In the last week we have had a few days of temperatures in the fifties and I've been able to get out and do errands on the rolling stock. Yesterday was the crowning moment of the season thus far with temperatures in the sixties and it felt like a good time to roll out the big scooter, Galileo, and take it for a short ride into Town.

I had put a new battery in it over the Winte...

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My Ride

Jim Zeiser If you wish to comment my e-mail address is I'd like to hear anything-good or bad-that anyone would like to say. As they said in college, we're all lifelong learners.


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