Browsing Archive: October, 2014
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Wednesday, October 29, 2014,
Last week at this time I was in the process of buying another car. Not just any car mind you, it's the Official Car of the Family. That automobile is the stellar 2005 Scion xB. This body style was made for only three years and resembles a box on wheels. Think Kia Soul only squarer. After 2007 the xB got bigger and lost the original cuteness, becoming almost mini-truck like. Nissan captured the essence in its Cube and Kia refined it a little with the Soul but the early version xB is, in my opi...
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Posted by Jim Zeiser on Tuesday, October 21, 2014,
This post surgical recovery period has just been the worst. Every day that I look out and see the sun tempts me to climb aboard and ride one of the bikes. I did succumb one day and rode to KMart to pick up a prescription. It felt good. Mostly I have just been checking oil levels and air pressures in the tires in anticipation of being let loose by my Doctor. So far the temperatures outside have been fairly moderate and not turned to the cold, dank days I anticipated. Maybe we'll have a better ...
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Another Repair
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Sunday, October 12, 2014,
Even though I can't ride during this recuperation period it doesn't stop me from doing needed repairs. The other day I was out checking over the bike collection when I noticed a hair raising item. The big scooter was showing cord on the rear tire. For those of you not versed in tire construction, a tire isn't just a large rubber donut. The outside is covered in rubber but under that are layers of nylon cords that reinforce the rubber and give the tire strength. If you use a tire too long if w...
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Posted by Jim Zeiser on Wednesday, October 1, 2014,
Last week was a tumultuous week in my life and the end result as quite unexpected. It may come as a surprise to many of you but for the last thirty-five years of my life I've had a pacemaker implanted in the left side of my chest. Since nothing lasts forever it came as no surprise, on my last pacemaker monthly check, it appeared as if the battery inside the unit had reached the safety point and needed to be replaced. Many people are under the impression that they simply replace the battery in...
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