Browsing Archive: December, 2011
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Saturday, December 31, 2011,
It's New Year's Eve and it's 45 degrees. Just for laughs I went out to the garage and started the Yamaha 250. Yes, I said started. Apparently my strange little drill works most of the time. When winter is over it will be interesting to see what works on a warm engine. I'm looking forward to using it to go to work or longer rides into Binghamton. The safer thing would just be to use my wife's Honda Rebel but the Yamaha is a much more interesting ride. I will take some pride in using a formerly...
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Winter Musings
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Wednesday, December 21, 2011,
This is the first day of Winter and of all things, it's raining out. We've only had a couple of small snows and the white stuff melted fairly quickly. I heard it was supposed to be in the mid to upper forties tomorrow so I went out to the garage and tried to start the Yamaha. I've let it sit for a couple of weeks in the cold and it only popped a couple of times. I guess it's time to try again and get it going before Spring sneaks up on me in a scant three months. The scooter has been on the r...
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Frost Run
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Sunday, December 11, 2011,
We needed some things from the grocery store today and it wasn't enough to warrant using the car. Solution: use the scooter. I wouldn't let a little thing like 34 degrees stop me or that the scooter hasn't been moved in over a week. What I did discover is that 20W-50 oil really puts a drag on the engine so when I went to start it the motor spun very slowly. Even still it fired up and off we went. The sun shimmered on the recently fallen snow adding a holiday festivity to the ride. I was bundl...
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The Gift
Posted by Jim Zeiser on Tuesday, December 6, 2011,
Last year at this time I could look out my window and see about four inches of snow on the ground. The weather has been completely different this year. Today it got up to 56 degrees and in honor of the occasion I took the Yamaha out for a spin. It was another success and the bike seems to get stronger each time I use it. I've developed a starting drill straight out of the British bike era to assure that it starts. I remove the trickle charger, turn on the key, flip the kill switch to run and ...
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