In the video above you will see a great gathering of motorcycles for a very unique event. This past weekend there was a motorcycle rally that included a ride across the Walkway Over the Hudson. Until 1974 this bridge was a railroad crossing. In that year there was a great fire that ruined it for further train use. Ten years ago it reopened as a pedestrian/bicycle crossing named Walkway Over the Hudson State Park. It's part of the Ulster and Dutchess Rail Trail that runs through a portion of both Counties. For years motorcycle organizations have tried to get permission and permits to use it as part of a great event. They succeeded this year with the proceeds going towards the purchase a small shuttle for the disabled to enjoy the views from atop the crossing.
I decided to use the big scooter for two reasons. First, not knowing what to expect I wanted the easiest to ride bike I have to do the event. Second, since it's an odd looking machine I thought the people spectating would enjoy seeing such a different looking bike on the ride.


At the end of the ride we gathered at Motorcyclepedia in Newburgh, NY, a motorcycle museum. There were approximately 1500 bikes there with music, food and prize drawings. It was an amazing sight for a one day event and everyone is hoping it happens again.
In other news we visited Long Island yesterday and saw my Mother. Mom is healing rapidly and getting around the house better with the use of a walker. My sister Tina is taking care of her and Mom is putting on weight and looking much healthier. Of course driving to Long Island is no prize with each trip taking between two and a half to three hours. In best conditions it's a two hour drive. Not to mention the six dollar tolls each time we cross the Whitestone Bridge.
Summer is coming to an end and this year has been my best motorcycle riding year in quite a while. Each of my three remaining bikes have done a few miles and are running well. Hopefully there will be an event or two left to report on before Winter. I'll let you know.