I'm going to get this out of the way quickly. The year 2015 will not be remembered warmly in this house. From the first day of it Sara's ill fated struggle with cancer was utmost on our minds. Traveling to Johnson City on a weekly basis for her Chemo infusions, shots to boost her white cells and CT scans was a harsh slap in the face. With each failed chemical concoction only optimism boosted our hopes but it all came crashing down at the end of August when the final CT scan she received indicated that time was not on our side any longer. The grim sixteen day hospital stay ended when the doctors sent Sara home to live out her last, few days before she succumbed to the Monster that consumed her.

The rest of this year has been filled with resuming life and attempting to regain some equilibrium without the pillar that steadied us for over twenty years. It would be nice to say that 2016 is a clean slate but the stain of 2015 will linger here for years to come. How do you replace the irreplaceable? All we can do is march on without the person who set the pace and beat the drum. The silence here these days is deafening.

Thanks to all the relatives and well wishers who helped us through the Holidays. We'll always need your support and our visits will continue. We would be hard pressed to move forward without your assistance. It will never be forgotten.

My motorcycles and scooters will be used to visit all of you at some point this coming Spring and Summer. I will need the rides to shake off some of the veil of sadness that Sara's departure left me before these dark days of cold began.

I know this sounds dreary and I hope your New Year brings you all the joy and fulfilled promise you deserve. Let's make this year a better one.