I know it's been a while but I haven't been idle. In addition to commuting on the big scooter, I've ridden pretty much all of the fleet at one time or another in the past month. On Tuesday I did my first longish ride in less than ideal condition in a long time. The Retreads meet on a weekly basis to have ice cream at various locales in the area and this week it was in Oneonta. As I left the house a light mist was falling, which is what was forecast by the various online weather services. To my dismay the mist gave way to a light rain after a few miles on the road. It kept up on the forty mile trip and I arrived with great relief to a dry, indoor establishment when I finally arrived in Oneonta.
The conversation is always varied and lively at these gatherings and the time flew by. Fortunately the trip home was much drier with bits of dry pavement showing up. The scooter performed flawlessly and hummed along on the interstate with little effort. While it seemed unlikely I arrived home only slightly damp despite the foul conditions going out. The scooter envelops you in a bubble of air and rain is deflected unless there's a stiff downpour.
The whole evening was a joyful start to the riding season and other Ice Cream runs will occur. I have a whole fleet of bikes to use and the weekly events will put all of them to work. Maybe the big Kawasaki next time.